Latest RIVAL Wealth news
Winter energy payment
Last winter the Government announced details of its new Winter Energy Payment, to help older people and those on a benefit heat their homes over winter. The best part is you don't need to do anything to receive this payment. It will be paid automatically as from 1...
Handling market volatility
With investments, like KiwiSaver or managed funds, you should regularly reassess your financial goals. Is the risk you are holding right for you? Can you stand a small downturn in markets; or a big one? Click here to view our risk profile tool.
Provisional tax changes
As from April 2018, self employed Kiwi's will have the option to choose a different way to pay provisional tax. There is a new pay-as-you-earn system, called AIM which is based on your cash flow. We've summarised the key points for you click here
Why earning more won’t make you rich
Tim caught up with Frances Cook from the NZ Herald recently to discuss the many ways in which we handle our money. Click here and listen to the last question - what is your best money tip for Kiwis...
Get to know your KiwiSaver
KiwiSaver was first introduced to New Zealanders in July 2007, but there are too many people who don't know enough about their KiwiSaver. Aaron has put together a short video about the benefits of seeking expert advice and the importance of keeping track of...
Top tip – Net Worth
So often we focus on everyday cash flow but forget about the big picture. Net Worth is everything you own of significance (your assets) less what you owe in debt (liabilities). At RIVAL Wealth, we keep track of your Net Worth by taking a regular 'snapshot' of your...
Credit card fraud
Donna covers off some helpful tips to avoiding credit card fraud. Video is 2.02 minutes long.
So what’s the next big culture shift in our lives since the smart phone?
The thought of less cars on the road; therefore less traffic, less crashes; therefore lower insurance and 1.2 million people killed from car accidents potentially prevented, lower commercial property prices due to spare buildings, and extra room in your garage, all...
When was the last time you updated your Will?
It's so important to read through your existing Will and get any changes amended. If you're thinking what existing Will? Then you need to get in touch and we'll help get you sorted. Call us now on 0800 474 825
World Financial Planning Day
Financial Planning: What it is - and what it can do for you The Institute of Financial Advisers (IFA) has written a very good article about 'Why life's better with a financial plan'. To check out the article in full, click here
Our team video for the Wellington Business Gold Awards 2017
We had so much fun making our video, we hope you enjoy watching it! Thanks to Nikki King from Fuzzbox who filmed and edited the video, and Brent Gare from Moore FM who did the voice over.
Meet Jessica James
With our long-standing presence in Wellington, it was only natural for our growth to set up an office there. Jessica joined our team as a Financial Adviser in Wellington and shares our passion for helping people to become financially successful. Click here if you...